黄金大厦 / 空间

本案设计灵感来自2个元素,一个是书,一个是鱼。书中自有颜如玉。书中自有黄金屋,书中承载着财富与美女,而黄金大厦既是金屋,又是金屋的载体。而鱼有带财之意,有鱼有财。通过现代的表现手法简化书与鱼的具象概念,并把常见材料与灯光创意变形组合 ,使整个空间有着游鱼阅读书的感觉。既增加了文化气息,又升华了黄金与财富的定义。最终与大厦外观中的元素与色彩紧紧相符。

The design inspiration of this case comes from two elements, one is book, the other is fish. In books you can find glowing beauty. There is a golden house in the book, which carries wealth and beauty. The golden mansion is not only the golden house, but also the carrier of the golden house. And the fish has the meaning of wealth. It simplifies the concrete concept of book and fish through modern means of expression, and combines common materials with creative deformation of lighting to make the whole space feel like a fish reading a book. It not only increases the cultural atmosphere, but also sublimates the definition of gold and wealth. The final appearance of the building with the elements and colors closely consistent.

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Golden mansion is located between the main road and Fushun street in the north of the city, which is the core of the North expansion of the city. The exhibition center, Xinhua Ling, Railway Bureau and Meiju are surrounded by four business circles. Golden mansion is a key investment attraction project in Urumqi high tech Zone, and also an excellent project of Xinjiang Auchan Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. In order to meet the design Commission requirements of Party A, the company conducted a brainstorming, and the three design teams came up with four sets of design schemes, each of which was given a different theme and meaning by the designer.

TAG: 室内设计 办公设计

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