疆南牧场 / 空间

疆南牧场是一个尊崇传统演奏形式的餐饮空间!整个设计核心围绕巴依老爷的马车开展,这一独特的包厢形式形成空间的点金之笔。我仿佛看见有人取下马鞭,挥舞起空间的节拍。舞台演奏区周边就座形式采用多元化的桌椅方式,让整体的演奏视角多角度覆盖各个区域。 整体空间设计中的顶面梁柱结构,是设计的核心之笔。空间主梁结构较低,设计师巧用原始梁结构应用到空间,大大提高了就餐时的空间高度感。这一手法即简单粗狂的体现出新疆特有的豪爽与气概,也让设备喷淋等点位巧妙隐藏。您的每一次体验都是我们用心打造的动力所在,望空间的使用者们都能体会到设计的良苦用心.

Jiangnan ranch is a catering space that respects the traditional performance form! The core of the whole design revolves around master Bayi's carriage, which is a unique box form of space. I seem to see someone take off the whip and wave the rhythm of space. The seating form around the stage performance area adopts diversified tables and chairs, so that the overall performance perspective covers each area from multiple angles. The top beam column structure in the overall space design is the core of the design. The space girder structure is low, so the designer skillfully uses the original girder structure to apply to the space, which greatly improves the sense of space height when dining. This technique is simple and crude, which reflects Xinjiang's unique forthright and spirit, and also makes the equipment spray and other points cleverly hidden. Your every experience is the motive force of our efforts to create, hope the users of space can experience the good intentions of design

TAG: 餐饮设计 餐厅设计 室内设计

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