欢朋纳瓦民族特色餐厅 / 空间


Design comes from life, and in the process of our life, no matter the pace is fast or slow, we will find different landscapes and get different understanding and perception. We can feel the existence of design all the time in our life. There is no way to separate design from life. Let's feel their charm together.


After two days of site investigation and preliminary understanding of the space, the design team made an intentional exposition to Party A on the spot about the business distribution of the space. After that, the generated layout was quickly recognized by customers (it must still be our previous rhythm), and then entered into the specific design unit space effect.


As for the impression of the previous scene investigation, a long and deep space is a trace of demolition. It's no exaggeration to say that the whole space is a "forest", with "tree trunks" flying all over the sky and "branches and leaves" running all over the ground. We are shuttling among them. All kinds of equipment and pipelines are hanging above the sky in no order. The original ideal height of the space is occupied by these pipelines, so we want to do it It seems that it is impossible to be "tall and powerful". Originally, we considered to make bare roof, because there was no bare roof in the local Xinjiang restaurant. We also hoped to bring some fashionable and personalized ideas into the local environment. But later, we found that no matter how to deal with the messy pipelines, it would still affect people's visual experience. Therefore, in the design process, the public area was completely sealed and flattened with the lowest point of the equipment For our space facade elements will be very rich, need relatively clean surface to set off each other.


The final design effect of the space, in order to meet the dining preferences of most local consumers, most of the scattered tables are set as semi private, with the light sand yellow with Xinjiang color as the main tone, the clean and overall flat top is decorated with gypsum lamp trays of different sizes, breaking the flat top of the board; the ground personality is stable, and the cement ash palindrome hexagon floor tiles effectively set off the space content The dining area radiated from the stage, combined with the display content and color of the Ming file on the opposite side, creates an interactive experience environment of vision, hearing, smell, taste, touch, etc. the scattered platform in the box area is wrapped with arched architectural elements, so that the whole spatial distribution is divided into dynamic and static regions while the personality is fashionable, and the construction of soft clothing such as cloth art and furnishings is also improved With the use of various parts of the color, so that the overall atmosphere more sense of belonging at the same time, but also reflects the cultural and artistic connotation of the space.

TAG: 民族特色餐厅设计 餐厅设计 室内设计

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