楼兰巴依 / 空间


The focus of the design and transformation is on the change of the entrance mode of the door head, and the guide of setting the guardrail at the most flat position of the stair area is reserved to give customers a more standardized streamline mode. Let's get used to walking to the right, which is more natural and comfortable. The interior space and the left-hand entrance area are all open, and the open stall is the guarantee of the restaurant's confidence. Door head part: the integrity of the overall design is considered, the original door plate is removed, and the vertical luminous font is adopted. In the front part of the door, the presentation mode is the window building silhouette, which is simple and atmospheric. The filling of the color block absorbs the natural form of the local desert in Xinjiang and presents the viewer with a smooth visual beauty of nature. Indoor part: reserve the foundation part of the site, ground, partition and wall enclosure part. The focus of the overall transformation is on the central dining area and the wall. The naked top hanging light box on the spot has the function of soft decoration without too heavy engineering transformation. The upper part of the wall adopts the stainless steel arc streamline modeling method, which once again points out the echo method of the natural form of the desert.


TAG: 民族特色餐厅设计 餐厅设计 室内设计

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