舍宾秀吧 / 空间


Bar originated from the European continent at first, but the word bar didn't have the meaning of "beverage counter" until the 16th century. After further variation and expansion in America, it entered China in about 2003. The word "bubble bar" is still a new thing. After entering our country, bars have developed rapidly: now let's take a look at the "sherpin show bar" in Urumqi, which has an extraordinary history. The overall gray tone and diamond shaped design space bring you different styles.


Visual design - logo design is inspired by the decorative elements of space lines, which stretch and combine sherpin's English abbreviation SP into geometric patterns of lines. Make brand design and space design highly integrated and unified.

空间设计—— 错落的切割,仿佛迷宫般让你探寻每一处空间!纳米导光膜配超短距激光投影,两面显影。雾面不锈钢如冰川裂变般交错,道路引向的灯光如朝阳般缓慢升起。 LED全方位显像,跟上音乐的节拍舞台灯光炫彩耀眼,让你与空间无限融合。

Space design - scattered cutting, like a labyrinth, let you explore every space! Nano light guide film with ultra short distance laser projection, developed on both sides. The stainless steel on the foggy surface is crisscrossed like the fission of glaciers, and the light from the road rises slowly like the sunrise. Led omni-directional imaging, keep up with the rhythm of music, stage lighting dazzling, let you and space infinite fusion.

TAG: VIS设计 室内设计

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