圣丹迪设计 | 柏睿文旅办公空间设计 / 空间




In order to let the world see a more real and complete Xinjiang, birui was born. This is both a mission and a feeling. Let the world know this passionate enterprise and the culture behind it. Enterprises need enthusiasm, and to face the unlimited challenges in the future, they need the precipitation of knowledge to make enterprises more intelligent. Therefore, the program is based on corporate culture. The space expression takes "book sea" as the leading concept, the implantation of large-area bookshelves and the combination of other main image colors of VI form the main color of the space and highlight the enterprise culture, and then the VI graphics are transformed into installation lamps, combined with the human-oriented function and the interspersed embellishment of colors, so as to improve the quality of the space and make the space present a comfortable and active office experience.

TAG: 室内设计 办公设计 空间设计 办公室设计 室内规划

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