圣丹迪设计|深圳欢乐纳瓦旗舰店 / 空间


For Xinjiang cuisine, happy Nava represents Xinjiang cuisine as the pioneer of the ninth largest cuisine. At the same time, it is also one of the most strict teams in the industry. This is the first time that they have entered the business entity of overseas Chinese town in Shenzhen, aiming at creating the most situational catering experience environment with Xinjiang characteristics in Shenzhen, creating a brand-new business card of Xinjiang catering culture and a template for brand redefinition.


Before the design, there are 11 top commercial complexes in 5 regions, 6 cities, 10-15 per day In the selection and inspection of the stores, 3000 words were used to analyze the brand's commercial positioning from the perspective of design, and 5 times from day to night It's just the beginning of the project.


The primitive elements and modern techniques are mutually dependent, and the base of raw soil material is matched with the built-in design hand of the locationMethod, let the touch and vision more in line with the experiential dining environment. The balance between the sense of form and the soft decoration of gauze curtain makes the appearance more beautifulThe unique architectural form of Gaotai folk houses in Xinjiang combines with the soft cloth art of adiles. The historical sense of precipitation and the warm impact of color, the bold dark color contrast of fashion and the old wood and pottery show not only the mystery of space atmosphere, but also the warm emotion of regional characteristics. The sense of experience formed by extensive standard and exquisite utensils is the theme and expression language that we should put into the overall design. While releasing the unique potential energy of Xinjiang western region civilization and culture, it presents a brand new three-dimensional brand image that meets the needs of Shenzhen diners from product to culture, from environment to experience.

TAG: 餐饮设计 餐厅设计 室内设计

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