“为什么不早遇见你”主题餐厅 / 空间


In this case, the designer tried to create a retro atmosphere of literature and art, and at the same time timely integrated some fashionable and innovative elements. Steel, cement and wood are the simplest materials. Under all kinds of coarseness, people and food become the most exquisite elements. In the light curtain, light flow, these simple materials become rich in texture. Design is not only a simple decoration of a space, but also a good grasp of the functionality, practicality, comfort and, of course, the indispensable "beauty" of the space! The rough fair faced concrete and fresh green plants are unexpectedly combined in the space, producing a wonderful chemical effect. In a gourmet encounter, everything is literary and romantic.

TAG: 餐饮设计 餐厅设计 室内设计

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