圣丹迪设计 | 新馕坊 / 空间


The overall layout takes the mingdang display area running through the external sales window as the core: the mingdang visual dining area is set on the left, the raw material display wall and small sentiment are set on the right, and the simple and fresh green plant screen is set at the visual center. The innermost hidden area is provided with a dining area for all kinds of people. Door head part: adopt the form of integral screw thread steel to integrate the door head design which is divided into upper and lower parts. The upper part adopts the form of architectural miniature to increase its flexibility. The steel mesh is filled with high-density Kashgar bricks and the simple lace outlined by ribbed steel bars, all of which point out the unique ethnic elements of Xinjiang. Soft seats with log piers, decorative chandeliers with fashionable national feeling, card seats with leather wearing logs, green planting slots on dining tables, exclusive screw thread steel table body and chandelier modeling, and straw paint materials on walls. yes! We are creating the original ecological dining environment. We hope that everyone who goes to the restaurant can have a pleasant feeling of being close to nature.

TAG: 室内设计 餐饮设计

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